Thevenet & Fils Bourgogne Rouge Bussieres Les Clos 2021

Thevenet & Fils Bourgogne Rouge Bussieres Les Clos 2021

Thevenet & Fils Bourgogne Rouge Bussieres Les Clos 2021

Regular price $21.99

2021 Thevenet & Fils Bourgogne Rouge Bussieres Les Clos

$24.99 reg
$21.99 on 3+ (code: 3saves3)
$19.99 case pricing (code 12saves5)

The pinot noir for this wine is found in the village of Bussieres and is sourced from the lieu-dit « Les Clos ». The vines are south-facing at 350 feet above sea level on gently sloping hills that are principally composed of clay. The fruit tends to ripen early due to its excellent exposure. Pigeage and remontage are practiced during fermentation. This wine is marked by notes of black, ripe berries, often a touch “sauvage”. - importer

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